The form found below these lines can be filled in by those who wish to submit articles for potential publication in the Urban Anthropology Journal.

We ask that you read the information found underneath the form before filling it in and submitting your article, and that you closely follow the instructions for authors, found in the “Recommendations for authors” category.

Article Originality. What we mean by originality
By submitting an article to the Urban Anthropology Journal for it to be published, the author (or authors) guarantee that the work is the result of personal efforts, with an original subject and theme, and that it has not been published nor is scheduled to be published in any form. Moreover, the author (or authors) guarantees that the ideas and fragments that are not produced by personal means are attributed to the correct source and have been underlined with the use of quotation marks and adequate footnotes and bibliography entries. Should there be any form of copyright infringement the author of the work in question will be held accountable for their breach of conduct. The editors of the Urban Anthropology Review will not take on responsibility and cannot be held accountable for any breach of the copyright and plagiarism laws purposefully committed by the author or authors of submitted articles. Should any form of plagiarism or copyright infringement be uncovered in submitted articles, the offending works will be taken down from the website and will not be published in the Journal. The editorial staff is not to be held accountable for viewpoints and opinions expressed by authors within the articles published within the Urban Anthropology Journal and its website.

Respecting the writing requirements for the article you wish to submit.

The work sent to the editorial office must follow the writing guidelines provided on the website at: Recommendations for authors. We ask that you please consult these instructions before uploading your article using the form found below.

The refusal to publish the same work several times.

For justified reasons the Urban Anthropology Journal will not allow the publishing of works which have already been partially or entirely presented in an article featured in other physical or digital publications in the same language. The editorial office reserves the right to reject such articles.

Accurately presenting primary data.

The data used as foundation and support structure for the submitted article (techniques, statistical information, regulations, doctrinarian opinions, surveys etc.) must be accurately presented. Knowingly submitting inaccurate, misleading or forged data may cause the work to be rejected or taken down if already published on the website

Copyright. Authorizations for the reproduction of images, graphs etc.

The Urban Anthropology Journal editorial office considers that it is the author’s responsibility to acquire copyright authorization for the reproduction of images, photographs, documents, texts and/or works of art they do not have the rights to but wish to include, in full or partial form, within their article. The copyright holders for the works used will have to be explicitly informed that their images, works of art, documents etc. will be portrayed, reproduced within the article – quoted in an article published within the Urban Anthropology Journal.

Mentioning the name of those who contributed to the submitted article

The name of the authors ought to be written in the order in which they contributed to the article and not in alphabetical order. The main author or the one who corresponds with the Urban Anthropology Journal must make sure that all authors have been mentioned as co-authors and that all the article authors have seen and agree with the article version submitted for publication.

Mentioning financial support sources

The financial support sources which helped the research that produced the article submitted, such as grants, scholarships etc., must be mentioned within the article through a footnote linked to the article title.

Recommendations for authors

The Urban Anthropology Journal publishes works in English. Only original works that have never been previously published will be accepted. The articles must be digitally uploaded (in a .doc or .docx format) using the online form and submission system present of this website. In the form you must write the title of the article in the language it will be published in as well as its title in English, the full name of the author or authors, any Institutional affiliation, a resume in English, 6 to 8 keywords in Romanian and English, an address for correspondence and the author or authors’ e-mail address or addresses.

All articles written in English must be typed in accordance with the following technical data:

Font: Times New Roman,12 p.

Settings:  A4 page format with 2 cm borders, double-spaced. Using this format, the work must be at most 25 pages long.

All works must be edited in an academic style, with an introduction, a section of acknowledgement and review of existing publications pertaining to the subject, a methodology section, a presentation of research results, discussions, conclusion and bibliography.

Language: Carefully review your work to correct eventual grammatical or lexical errors. If the work is written in a language that is not the author’s native language it is recommended to have it reviewed by a fluent speaker of the chosen language.

Minimal requirements for the structure of submissions
Title: Has to be as specific and suggestive as possible.

Summary in English: Must contain at least 200 words and a maximum of 250 words, contain a succinct and precise mentioning of the motivation behind the study, the purpose of the research, the methods used, the results obtained and the implications of these results.

Keywords: We recommend 6 to 8 keywords that should not match any words used in the article title and are relevant to the article content.

Chapters:  The work should be organized in chapters and eventually subchapters. These do not have to be numbered. The chapter titles should be written in bold characters, and subchapters in italic bold characters.

Introduction: The purpose of the article should be specified, the reasons for which the subject was chosen, the method through which the article will attain its purpose (the research methods used). The last paragraph of the introduction must also contain a short presentation of the article’s overall structure.

Reviewing other works on the subjects:  The article should offer an overview of other works on the subject, making use of more recent works as well as classic sources, in accordance with the article’s theme. This section is important in order to demonstrate a nuanced understanding of specialized literature and a critical standpoint to its contents. It should offer a basis for the article’s hypotheses.

Methodology: The works making use of methodology should present the questions used in the research process (the objectives of the study), the hypotheses, information regarding the methods, techniques and research instruments used. In case enquiry data is presented, the method of selection applied to subjects must be presented as well as the scale and social-demographic characteristics of the sample categories/subjects studied, the percentage on non-answers and any other relevant data.

Presenting and discussing results: must be included in their own subchapter.

Tables and charts: These should be consecutively numbered (1, 2, and so on) and ought to contain a succinct number and key, such as the following example:

Table 1: Xxx. Written in a size 10 font

Any eventual additional explanations should be included immediately below the chart or table. More complex tables should use lower-case letters in their numbering system, such as 1a, 2b etc.

Graphs: All photographs, graphs and diagrams must be mentioned with the title “Figure” and consecutively numbered (1, 2 etc.). Keys and numbers should be placed below the figure. Multiple figures will be labelled using lower-case letters as well as numbers (1a, 1b etc.). Explanatory texts using very small-sized or overly-large characters should be avoided. A detailed key should be provided, without using abbreviations, and placed underneath the figure, following this example:

Figure 1: Xxx. Written in size 10 font

Photo source: Please make sure you specify the source of the images used in the article you wish to submit to the Urban Anthropology Journal.

Conclusions: A review of the article’s arguments and their support in the form of presented data should be included as well as the implications of the study’s results for the addressed theme or subject. The limitations of the article and possible developments upon its points ought to also be included.

In-text references: Will be stated between brackets (the author’s last name, year, page or pages). Examples – (Gogu and Biji, 2005), (Stanciu and Vijoli, 2008), (Biji, 2001, 25-40). If there are more than three authors, only the first should be included in the in-text reference, followed by “et al.”. Example: (Popovici et al., 2011).

Bibliography: The references list should be placed in the “Bibliography” section.


  1. Journal article: Gogu, Em. (2009) Statistics and reality in urban tourism, The Statistics Magazine, 12, 1, 81-88.
  2. Book chapter: Radescu A. and i Serbănescu Vlad, (2014) Social comparisons in national ethnic communities in Constantinescu L. (ed.), Regional economy, Bucharest, p. 405-409.
  3. Author book: Stăncescu, M (1968) National identity vs. European identity, Bucharest, Oscar Print Publishers.
  4. Edited book: Balshaw M., and Kennedy L., (2000) Urban space and representation, London, UK, Pluto Press.
  5. Work presented at a conference: Hidenobu J., (2008) European Social Structures International Joint Workshop: Politics and Social Change. Hanse Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst, Germany, March 6-9.
  6. Dissertation: Ben-Ari, E. (1974) The concept of happiness, PhD thesis, University of Manchester.
  7. Press articles: Swov A. (2006), The public space must be human again – too early for final judgment on Shared Space, Traffic Engineering 5(9):25-34.
  8. Articles published on-line: Horelli L. (2002), Opportunities and constraints of „internetassisted urban planning” with young people, Journal of Environmental Psychology 22(1):191-200.
  9. Web page:Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Outline of the Tokyo Green Building Program,


Article Submission Form

  • Chose the category you wish to submit your article to:
  • Write 6 to 8 keywords in Romanian, separated using commas
  • Write 6 to 8 keywords in English, separated using commas
  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, Max. file size: 64 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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