Journal of Urban Anthropology – Nr. 18 (2022) – CONTENTS
EDITORIAL – George Cristian Curca
An anthropological perspective on the latest respiratory pandemics: our future response
INTRODUCTION – Modernization, urbanization and medicalization in Romania by the end of the 19th century and the Interwar period, Octavian Buda
Professor Cantacuzino: Pasteurian and Romanian Patron of the Arts, Steluţa Boroghină, Octavian Buda
Tuberculosis – a social disease of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. History and evolution, Ionuţ-Alexandru Banu
“Invalids of the Great War. Medical assistance, moral guidance and vocational education” Mădălina-Ioana Manolache
Secluded body – liberated body – Sequences of female body emancipation in Old Kingdom Romania, Alexandra Rusu
Fighting the Shame: Physicians, Priests, and Venereal Diseases in Romania, 1853-1874, Lidia Trăuşan-Matu, Octavian Buda
Văcăreşti area – The memory of a “place” of urban, historical, social and symbolic – community pressures, Atena-Ioana Gârjoabă, Cerasella Crăciun
Micro-events in the public space – The art of street performances, Monica-Gabriela Amuza
The disappearance of an urban breed: Bucharest cinemas, Antonia Panaitescu
Balcony and intimacy. A research of urban anthropology on the balconies of Bucharest, Horia Bârloiu, Mocanu Sînziana
Is pole dance an empowering sport or a matter of female objectification? Critical perspectives on pole sport, sexuality and art expression, Adela-Cătălina Marian
Happy City: Transforming Our Lives Through Urban Design, Alexandra Rusu
Matei Eugen Stoean, Ctitorii ale oamenilor liberi. Arhitectura bisericilor de zid ale românilor din zonele de graniță dintre Oltenia, Muntenia și Transilvania (1700-1850) [Foundations of free people. Stone architecture of liminal churches between Oltenia, Wallachia and Transylvania, 1700-1850], with a preface by Hanna Derer, Bucharest: ACS Publishing House, 2021, 396 p., with illustrations [in Romanian], Simona Drăgan
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