Journal of Urban Anthropology – Nr. 17 (2021) – CONTENTS
EDITORIAL – Cătălin D. Constantin
Public Spaces: Places of the City, Places of Memory
Espacios públicos: lugares de la ciudad, lugares de la memoria
Transformaciones temporales de los espacios públicos: urbanismo efímero y dialéctica social, Carlos Hugo Soria Cáceres
El espacio ritual de las cofradías de penitencia en Granada (España) durante el Antiguo Régimen. Un acercamiento desde la documentación de archivo, Francisco Javier Crespo Muñoz
Social Behavior and Municipal Public Parks in the 19th and Early 20th Century in Romania, Alexandru Mexi
Lenin in Antarctica. Public Space and Monumental Narrative at the Pole of Inaccessibility, Ciprian Tudor
Death of a Lifestyle: The Street Life of Bucharest’s Jewish Neighborhoods, Felicia Waldman
Lockdowns: the Hyperconnections of “Invisible Cities”, Alexandra Crăciun
Bucharest’s Central Square, Cezar Petre Buiumaci
Understanding Moral Solidarity: Theoretical Directions For Future Debates On Romanian Civic Commitment, Adela Toplean
In the Fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic. Testimony of a Doctor From the Front Lines, Cristiana Oprea
The Body, a Personal Project? The Commodification of Body Shape in the Context of Fitness Culture, Maria Theodora Majuru
Cătălin D. Constantin, Orașe în rezumat. Piețe din Europa și istoriile lor: Peter Pan ART, Ion Mincu Universitary Publishing House, 2017, 512 p., with illustrations, Cristina Bogdan
Alex Mexi, Raluca Zaharia, Friedrich Rebhuhn și grădinile României, Bucharest: Arché Association, 2020, 144 p., with illustrations, Simona Drăgan
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